Furnace Repair Company - Advance Heating and Cooling

Post oleh : ester | Rilis : December 29, 2018 | Series :

However, it also means normal high temps in the 20’s and 30’s and sometimes will go down even into the single digits! BRRRRR!! You know what that means? Your furnace will be on the majority of the time.  If you have your Furnace on and it is not heating up your home, what should you do? Well, you should call Advance Heating and Cooling and get our $89.00 Winter Furnace Tuneup to make sure nothing serious is wrong.  If your furnace is running all the time, or your furnace is blowing cold or cool air then you are also going to spend a lot more on your utilities! , you could be throwing hundreds of dollars away on your high utility bills!
We are here to help.  Our trained technicians will come out and inspect your furnace.  We will explain what we feel needs repaired, or simply tune up/clean up your furnace.  We are not here to always sell new furnaces. We believe that with good upkeep and regular maintenance, your current furnace should last many many years and we are happy to work on older models.

